All company logos must be sent in .EPS and .JPEG format to
Questions? Contact Sam Gordon at or (203) 324-0594 x107

Become a Sponsor
SPONSOR DEADLINE: April 21, 2025
Sponsor Opportunities
PREMIER $15,000
100 race entries
Company logo on race bib
Exposure on all event email blasts (over 10,000 e-mails)
Collaboration on content for social media post
Company logo on event shirt
Company featured on event website
Exposure in event media releases sent to over 100 media contacts
60 race entries
Company logo on race bib
Exposure on all event email blasts (over 10,000 e-mails)
Collaboration on content for social media post
Company logo on event shirt
Company featured on event website
Exposure in event media releases sent to over 100 media contacts
30 race entries
Exposure on all event email blasts (over 10,000 e-mails)
Collaboration on content for social media post
Company logo on event shirt
Company featured on event website
Exposure in event media releases sent to over 100 media contacts
CADENCE $5,500
20 race entries
Exposure on at least 2 event email blast and social media posts
Company logo on event shirt
Company featured on event website
Exposure in event media releases sent to over 100 media contacts
10 race entries
Exposure on at least 1 event email blast and social media post
Company logo on event shirt
Company featured on event website
Exposure in event media releases sent to over 100 media contacts

About the Club . . .
The Boys & Girls Club of Stamford serves our community’s most historically underserved youth through financially accessible after-school programs and summer camps. Of the 500+ K-12 children that attend the club daily, over 95% of our youth are people of color, 70% have a household income of less than $30,000 a year, and nearly half come from single-parent households.